
Net Zero

Compensation for using Brown Energy


Real Zero

means completely eliminating carbon emissions from our operations.

Monetizing Reduction of GHG

Carbon Saved by replacing Fossil Fuel

Sold in Global Voluntary Carbon Market


How this works


Registry with a Global Validator


Certificates Issued by Validator


Certificate sold on Exchange


Carbon Neutrality

Any human activity invariably contributes to the emission of carbon dioxide and greenhouse gases, thereby playing a role in climate change. To counteract the upward trajectory of CO2 emissions and address global warming, it is crucial to consistently strive for the reduction or elimination of the carbon emissions we generate. Unfortunately, achieving complete elimination is not always feasible.

Nevertheless, both private and public institutions have the opportunity to diminish their environmental impact, including that of their products and services. This can be accomplished by attaining Carbon Neutrality, offsetting unavoidable CO2 emissions with high-quality carbon credits sourced from emission reduction and renewable energy projects. This proactive strategy not only helps in mitigating climate change but also promotes green and sustainable development.

By taking this initiative, organizations can distinguish themselves from competitors, bolstering their reputation as leaders dedicated to environmental responsibility. This not only demonstrates a commitment to mitigating climate change but also positions them at the forefront of a sustainable and environmentally friendly business landscape.

What Is A Carbon Offset

A carbon offset is a credit that can be purchased by individuals or organizations to offset their carbon footprint. Carbon neutrality is achieved when the number of carbon offset credits acquired matches the carbon footprint of the entity, indicating a balance between emissions and offsetting efforts. The funds generated from these credit purchases are commonly, though not universally, directed towards environmentally beneficial projects, such as investments in green computing technologies.

In a broader sense, carbon offsetting entails the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to compensate for emissions occurring elsewhere. Carbon offset credits serve as proof that an individual or organization has taken measures to reduce its emissions. The term "carbon offset" is used to encompass both the credit itself and the practice of carbon offsetting.

To be specific, a carbon offset credit represents a reduction of 1 metric ton of carbon dioxide emissions. The primary aim of carbon offsetting is to counteract or alleviate a portion or the entirety of a carbon footprint.



Benefits of Carbon Footprint Calculation

Knowing your own Carbon Footprint helps companies gather information which will provide valuable insight into their greenhouse gas emissions and climate change strategy.

By evaluating it, companies can:

  • Increase transparency to shareholders, clients and other stakeholders.
  • Identify areas where there is scope for energy efficiencies which in turn can lead to both emissions reductions and cost savings.
  • Define your sustainability road-map and fix targets for the future.

Benefits of Carbon Offsetting

  • The objective is always to avoid or reduce climate changing GHG emissions. But when some emissions cannot be avoided, it is possible to offset them by supporting high-quality clean energy projects in developing regions.
  • Offsetting your unavoidable emissions is the opportunity to reduce your environmental impact and become Carbon Neutral.
  • Becoming a Carbon Neutral business can have positive impacts on your brand reputation and your business values, due to its strong appeal to increasingly environmentally and conscious and socially responsible investors, customers and staff.

Bio Gas