
Karuna Kumar

By Medha Mukerji in


Tag:- Writer/Influencer,

” There is definitely a certain kind of effort to make sure that you have very sane life ” – Karuna Kumar
A myriad profile, from Columbia University to the University of Westminster, Karuna Kumar studied film direction and journalism and she has been a diverse academic achiever all her life. As an undergraduate student, Karuna studied the art of film direction for three years. Later, she even started direction and released her first film, Blue Caps, based on the UN peacekeeping forces.
Academically, Karuna also holds a Masters in Media Management from University of Westminster, London. She also held the position of a financial journalist at the Thomson Reuters Foundation. After which , she even pursued an executive degree in International Relations from LSE.
Mint is also called ‘the financial paper’ of the Hindustan Times Group. In February 2007, Mint was launched in collaboration with The Wall Street Journal. Karuna worked as Deputy Editor, Digital for Mint . Here, she was heading the digital strategy and integrated the newsroom . Prior to working with the Mint, she spent some years in the UK, where she worked as Associate Editor for a Business Weekly in Dow Jones.
We were eager to ask her whether there were any mentors who have guided and supported her.
” Mentors may not be with you in every step of the way, they set the direction for you and give you inspiration you are seeking for life, they help you find a purpose in life”
Having travelled many continents, Karuna seemed to be well learned individual. Her journey has been nothing short of a roller coaster and its been hell of a ride. Karuna says, ” Nothing you learn goes waste ever in life”.
Women in the corporate world find it difficult to survive and sustain. They often feel demotivated and demoralised to excel. Karuna has been a fighter and she fought against all odds to create an identity for herself. She says, ” Women let little things affect them too much”. Its true that women make themselves a part of unnecessary office politics and gossip, which affects their performance and productivity at the workplace.
Karuna is nothing short of an Inspiration for women who want to take a plunge into the corporate sector. She believes that in the corporate world, you have to develop a thick skin and you have to focus amidst the chaos.
Thankyou Karuna Kumar for sharing your Inspirational Journey with Feministaa. We wish you nothing but the best.

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